550 Square Foot Prefab Cottage That Feels Bigger Inside then it Looks
There is a surge in the prefab housing market with a variety of options to choose.
The TimberCab is just one of the prefab home designs that you will find, in a prefab home that features a Douglas Fir timber frame and structural insulated panels (SIPs). Some of the key features in this prefab home design include Timberframe design, SIPs, windows with fir frames and exterior aluminum cladding and universal design. These prefab homes are eco-friendly and are great for use as accessory dwelling units. Shop Tiny Homes These modern and eco-friendly prefab home designs are an excellent option when you need some extra space, whether it be for a studio, weekend retreat, backyard office and more.
All the timber that is used in this prefab kit is top quality and can be delivered right to the building site you want the prefab home, guest house, studio, or cottage built on and then put together by a contractor.
It's that easy. That's part of the beauty of prefab home designs, most of the work is done for you, and because they are built indoors, you don't have to deal with lengthy weather delays. There are a variety of sizes and prefab floor plans you can choose from, ranging in price, with something to suit most any budget. These prefab designs are open concept and very contemporary looking, but they also have a natural feel, with all the natural wood. There are high ceilings, and the windows are very large to help maximize the light coming into the home.
These prefab timber frame designs and wall/roof panels are precut with state of the art technology and then labeled for an easy and efficient build at the building site by a licensed contractor.
These prefab home designs can ship to most building sites due to the flexibility of the home packages.FabCab uses sustainable practices that make these prefab home designs an eco-friendly housing option.
These prefabricated home designs have an efficient design with an open plan and efficient layout that helps to maximize floor space.
Renewable resources are used with renewable/sustainably harvested Douglas Fir, which uses less wood than stud framing. There is also less waste, as the prefabs are built indoors with state of the art, computerized cutting machines that help to minimize the amount of waste. This helps to create precise, high-quality homes and reduces any time delays, an eco-friendly home design that uses less transportation, with building materials that are brought to the site in fewer shipments than with typical construction. The structural insulated panels (SIPS) walls are extremely energy efficient. The plumbing lines in the homes can be built in for optional solar water heaters on the roof, and the high-efficiency water heaters will power a radiant floor heating system. These prefab home designs have healthy indoor air quality, with low VOC paints and finishes that are used throughout the prefab cabins. An anti-microbial glaze is used on the tiles and fixtures that help to reduce the potential for bacteria growth in the bathroom.