A Tiny Cabin Guesthouse and Garden Greenhouse Combination
Jeff’s cabin is a charming tiny house building that the owner built while building his larger sized home.
The original purpose of this cabin building was to provide the owner with shelter while building his new home. But once his home was finished, he moved in and kept the tiny cabin building as a guest house. Fast forward a few years and the space was needed for tools and garden utensils, and it was at that time that the owner decided to build a second tiny house building that he would use a storage unit. Shop Tiny Homes This second tiny house design revolves around its windows, that were found at a metal recycler for only $3 each. The entire tiny house building was constructed around the windows, making an extra space for the mower. The charming tiny house building is filled with plants making this tiny house design both a storage unit and an ingenious greenhouse. Not only is this tiny house building used for storage and as a greenhouse, but there is a nice little bunk that makes it useful when guests come to stay.
There is so much to love about small house living.
Small house living is often the answer to your needs, whether that be for a guesthouse, garden shed, artist studio, full-time living, vacation home and more. If you have the ability and time to design and build the tiny house building yourself, you only need to spend your money on building materials. There are many tiny house designers out there who will create and build it for you, but that will cost you more as you are paying for building materials and manpower too. That said, tiny house designs are just a fraction of the price of traditionally sized homes, and you can have everything designed specifically for you.
Because your tiny house design is going to be smaller, you can make a lot of it out of recycled, salvaged and re-purposed, building materials. In addition to making your tiny house design look cool and unique, it also saves that same amount of new building materials from being made. One benefit of small house living is that you can also set up your tiny home to live off the grid. Using solar or wind natural resources to give your tiny house design power, using a rainwater and filtration system, and installing a composting toilet these are all steps to enabling your tiny house design to be functional anywhere in the world.
Energy Efficient.
Whether you use solar power or wind to power up your tiny house design, the energy needs of such a small house living space are much smaller than the energy needs of a traditional sized home. Smaller appliances work much more efficiently, and a smaller sized space uses less power to heat and to cool the air. If you need to connect your tiny house design to a power source, you’ll still have to pay your electric bill, but it will be a lot less than your traditional sized house’s bill. On top of everything that you are saving on your house mortgage, think about all the trips that you can take with that money you’ll be saving.
Easy to Clean.
Another benefit that comes with small house living and having less space is that you won’t use as many cleaning supplies since you won’t have to buy them so often. Sweeping will only take a couple of minutes, and dusting even less. With a small house design, you will need less stuff to fill the space, and with less stuff also means less cleaning and clutter.