It Used To Be a School Bus - Now It's a Cozy Loft On Wheels!
For many, it's a dream to travel the world and explore different lands and cultures.
Much like this couple who turned an old school bus into a home on wheels to travel 12,000 miles from Alaska all the way to Argentina. They planned to go from the top of North America to the bottom of South America travelling along The Pan Am highway which is the longest road able to be travelled by vehicle. All in the comforts of their cute bus turned into a tiny house on wheels. Shop Tiny Homes On the Pan Am highway, travellers go through 14 countries as following; Canada, the United States, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile and finally Argentina. To make it to the very tip of each end of the continents, it would be a 30,000-mile road, which is a lot of miles to travel. Many people have set out to do this and plenty of them accomplish it, even by bike which is pretty impressive. Although it could still cost quite a lot of money if you had to pay for hotels throughout the journey. That's why this couple decided to buy an older school bus and transform it into a beautiful home for themselves.
Felix and Selima who is called Mogli as a nickname, are originally from Germany.
When they found each other, they realized that they both loved to travel and do art so they decided to buy a school bus and renovate it to travel around North and South America. They packed up their smaller apartment in Berlin and flew over to the US with their dog Rudy in tow to start their journey. The couple bought their school bus online through a website that can deliver it anywhere you need. They ended up getting the longest bus they could find so they could have the most space and they were the first people from the site to buy a bus without seeing it first, which they don't recommend, but it seemed to work out fine for them. They transformed their bus into a beautiful home with a very cozy and stylish design. As you can see in the video, the couple removed all of the seats that once occupied the entire length of the bus, which used to transport up to 78 kids at a time. They installed flooring and added in tiny house furniture that functions really well in the space.
The interior of this tiny bus house on wheels looks amazing and it even has a fully equipped kitchen in it with a full-sized stove.
So they would even be able to save some money by making their own homecooked meals in their bus-house. This project gives us so many ideas for different ways to recycle old busses, or campers and make them into lovely, comfortable homes. Small house living in a converted bus means that you can take your home on the road with you which is perfect for those with some wanderlust. More people are finding innovative ways to create a home of their dreams, whether it's big or small. People find ways to recycle materials and make them into something new, saving money and preventing more pile up in the landfill. This couple shows us what is possible when you want something enough and put some hard work and love into the project. They also have a YouTube channel called Expedition Happiness where you can follow their journey and see where life takes them. Maybe you'll even be inspired by their cute little bus converted into a tiny home and want to create your own.