Paving Stones Quickly Transform Weedy Messy Area into Easy to Look After and Enjoy Areas
Paving stones can be used in a variety of different ways and in different do it yourself home projects.
They are an affordable way to cover a large area without having to use concrete or cementing which can be quite pricey. There are also lots of diy ideas for how to use these paving stones in your yard for landscaping purposes. This is one of the diy ideas you can take some inspiration from to transform a corner of your yard into a beautiful space. Shop Tiny Homes For example, if you have an area of your yard that is overrun by weeds, you can transform it with some simple paver stones. The project will only cost you around $200 to complete which is way less than having to pour concrete or even plant a whole new garden. If you want something more manageable and functional in your yard, this would be a great diy project to do. This way you don't have another flower bed or garden to tend to, and the weeds won't grow in the area because of the concrete blocks. Laying down these paving stones will also create a nice area for you to put a table and chairs, or a swing, or maybe even a fire pit to enjoy in your backyard. The options are endless.
You're first going to need to use some weedkiller to kill any weeds that are in the way.
You can use straight white vinegar to kill the weeds if you're looking for a natural option. Then lay down some landscape fabric, some sand and mulch as well as some gravel to keep the weeds from growing back. It's really important to block all sunlight from the weeds so that they can't grow or seed in the dirt. If you just lay down the patio stones without the landscaping fabric, you'll see that the weeds will continue to pop up because there's nothing to stop them. If there are some weeds poking up in the area, all you need to do is put some vinegar and water on them to kill them off. You'll also need to dig down in the ground about three inches at least to create a bed for the concrete blocks to go before you spray any weed killer and lay down the fabric. Then, the sand is to level the pavers out so that they can be flush with each other instead uneven.
You can see that a large gap was left between each of the pavers, but you can set them closer together if you choose.
Keeping space between the pavers means that you'll have to use fewer pavers, in the long run, making it more affordable. Then, you use some mulch between the pavers to fill in the gaps between each of the pieces and then landscaping rocks on top of that as well. Once you have everything in place, you can take your hose and gently rinse off the pavers since they'll probably have a lot of dust and dirt on them. For the perimeter bed they created, you'll just need some more gravel or stones as well as some plants to plant or put in pots. Having the potted plants gives you flexibility so you can move them around as you like. It also gives you the ability to change up the types of plants you plant each year if you choose to do annual plants. Then, all you need to do is decorate your newly paved area as you'd like. Put up some lights over it, maybe some tiki torches around so you can enjoy it at night.